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Saving lives at sea – HM Coastguard visit Poole

We were delighted to welcome Tom Barnett from HM Coastguard to our monthly member’s meeting on...

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MVS Poole visit Warsash Shiphandling Centre

Five MVS Poole members visited the centre on Tuesday 16th October where Keith Hopkins the Senior Lecturer,Ship Handling greeted the group and within minutes we were faced with a mini convoy of fully...

Facelift for MVS Poole

Members of staff from Liverpool Victoria chose to spend a Community Day to give MVS Poole’s shoreside facilities a facelift by redecorating the Unit’s cabins on Tuesday 11thSeptember 2018. Eight...

Funding boost for MVS Poole Unit

The Talbot Village Trust has supported MVS Poole with a £20,000 grant to purchase and update its RIB and teaching equipment. The Trust is the legacy of two sisters who founded Talbot Village in the...

MVS Poole buoyed up for air show

Members from MVS Poole have contributed to the preparations for the 2018 Bournemouth Air Festival by placing marker buoys in Poole Bay prior to start of the popular air show. On Wednesday 28th August...

Avocet to the rescue

A challenging trip today (which started as a normal weekday training run) when we were asked by Solent Coastguard, via Harbour Control, if we could assist a 9.5m yacht  with engine failure in the...

Festival of Running

On Saturday 17th March, the weekend the “Beast from the East” returned for the second time 7 of us assembled at the Red Shoot Camping site car park to assist Tim Peace with stewarding the above event...

Trip over the horizon

One of our latest additions to our fleet, the high-speed RIB Ocean Adventure will soon be taken out of the confines of Poole Harbour for longer day trips to the Solent and Jurassic Coast. Member, Tim...

Tom Sherrin update

As we approach warmer weather we are looking to start getting out and about in preparation for the upcoming summer season. This includes the ambitious refit of our classic launch, Tom Sherrin. In the...

Fresh training for spring

Despite the snow and rain, spring is just around the corner. At MVS Poole we are gearing up for the coming season with a new set of courses in our varied programme at our Port of Poole classrooms...